Andrew Collins, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Nyholm Lab in 2014
Thesis Title: Bacterial Symbioses and the Innate Immune Response of the Model Host: Euprymna scolopes
Current Job: Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Forsyth Institute in Cambridge, MA
How he found his current job: Another former UConn graduate (Dr. Lindsey Bomar) heard about the opening before it was even posted and sent the info my way.
Christine Schwall, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Alder Lab in 2014
Thesis Title: Investigation of the Assembly, Activity, and Lipid Dependence of Mitochondrial Respiratory Complex II via Model Membrane Systems
Current Job: Program Coordinator at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
How she found her current job: I attended the Research Open House (which is held every year) at Mount Sinai a few months before I defended my thesis. The Open House allows you to meet face-to-face with Department representatives and faculty members who are hiring to see if you fit any of their open positions. While talking to the administrator for the Department of Microbiology, he mentioned the Program Coordinator position and I expressed interest, so he passed my information along to the PI who was hiring. The PI reached out to me and I went through a pretty typical interview process and was offered the job since I was the only candidate with a science background.
Kathryn Pietrosimone, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Lynes Lab in 2014
Thesis Title: Characterization of the Bacterial Metallothionein, PmtA in the Human Pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Current Job: Postdoctoral research associate at the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill School of Medicine
How she found her current job: I applied to a job posting online, and also contacted the PI
Tyler Schleicher, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Nyholm Lab in 2014
Thesis Title: Proteomic Characterization of Host-Microbe Interactions in the Euprymna scolopes Light Organ Symbiosis with Vibrio fischeri
Current Job: Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University
How he found his current job: Online from
Katie Launer-Felty, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Cole Lab in 2014
Thesis Title: Biophysical and Biochemical Characterization of Adenovirus Virus-associated RNA-I and its Interaction with Protein Kinase R
Current Job: Postdoctoral Associate at Yale University (Strobel Lab)
How she found her current job: I e-mailed the professor directly with a cover letter, CV, and references.
Margaret Suhanovsky, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Teschke Lab in 2013
Thesis Title: Nature's favorite building block: Deciphering the HK97-like Fold of Bacteriophage P22 Coat Protein.
Current Job: Teaching and Research Postdoctoral Fellow at Colgate University
How she found her current job: Crystallography bulletin board (ccp4bb). Dr. Robinson also knew I was interested in teaching at a primarily undergrad institution and sent me an ad for the job.
Matthew Ranaghan, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Birge Lab in 2011
Thesis Title: Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of Type I Retinal Binding Proteins for their Application in Device Electronics
Current Job: Research Scientist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, MA
How he found her current job: I found a job posting on the company webpage and asked a contact at the Broad Institute for an introduction with the relevant hiring manager. I then went through a series of informal and formal interviews before getting the job offer.
Renee M. Gilberti, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Knecht Lab in 2011
Thesis Title: The Molecular Pathway of Non-opsonized Particle Phagocytosis and the Relationship to Cell Death
Current Job: Program Coordinator, UConn McNair Scholars Program at UConn Storrs Campus
How she found her current job: At the time, I was a post-doc pursuing professor positions in the New England-area and this position was posted on a "higheredjobs" website since having a Ph.D. and experience working in higher ed was critical to be considered for the role.
Gino Intrieri, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Zhang Lab in 2010
Thesis Title: alan shepard, A modifier of polyglutamine toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster
Current Job: UConn, Storrs (BCS); Laboratory Supervisor
How he found his current job: Word of mouth.
Juliana Ansari, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Benson Lab in 2009
Thesis Title: Genomic and proteomic analyses of extracellular and symbiosis-related proteins in Frankia
Current Job: Microbiology Lab Supervisor and Adjunct Faculty at Fairfield University
How she found her current job: An online job search for biology jobs in Connecticut.
Preston Garcia, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Gage Lab in 2008
Thesis Title: Control of succinate-mediated catabolite repression through a two-component regulatory system in Sinorhizobium meliloti
Current Job: Beginning my sixth year (tenure year) as Assistant Professor of Biology and Biology Program Coordinator at Castleton State College in Castleton, VT.
How he found his current job: The American Society for Microbiology job board. Now called “Career Connections”
Adam Silver, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Graf Lab in 2008
Thesis Title: Investigating the Function of the Type III Secretion System in Beneficial and Pathogenic Associations
Current Job: Assistant Professor and Co-director M.S. Neuroscience Program at the University of Hartford
How he found his current job:
Ulysses Sallum, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Chen Lab in 2007
Thesis Title: A Study on the Inducible Resistance of Fish Bacterial Pathogens to the Antimicrobial peptide Cecropin B
Current Job: Licensing Manager at Partners Healthcare Innovation
How he found his current job: Through my research fellowship at The Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital
Emily Noonan Place, Ph.D.
Received Doctorate in The Hightower Lab in 2006
Thesis Title: The Role of Heat shock protein (Hsp) 70B’ in the cellular stress response
Current Job: FDA, Pharmacologist in the Office of Hematology and Oncology Products (OHOP) and within the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research/Office of New Drugs (CDER/OND) and is also a part-time lecturer at UC Berkeley at the School of Public Health
How she found her current job: Colleagues/networking. Talking to people around you is everything.